
Microsoft、2014年2月の定例アップデートを配信。Surface Pro 2の不具合に対応

2014年2月13日 配信

不具合に悩まされていたSurface Pro 2ユーザーに朗報です!

Microsoftは、2014年2月の定例アップデートを配信開始しました。Surfaceシリーズは全機種にアップデートが配信されており、特にスリープ復帰の不具合などが発覚していたSurface Pro 2は今回のアップデートで問題が解決します。


Surface Pro 2

スリープから復帰が出来ない、バッテリ残量の表示がおかしい、スリープから復帰するとTouch Cover/Type Coverが認識しないなどの不具合に対応。
・Surface Display Panel (v1.0.2.0) provides tuning to the Surface display calibration.
・Surface Pro Embedded Controller Firmware (v24.00.50)
・Resolves issue where Surface would not go into hibernation.
・Resolves issue where available battery percentage was reported incorrectly.
・Surface Pro System Aggregator Firmware (v2.04.0150)
・Resolves issue where Surface would reset upon repeated Surface Cover attach/detach.
・Resolves issue where On Screen Keyboard would unexpectedly pop-up even though Surface Cover is attached.
・Resolves issue where Surface Cover is not detected after wake up from sleep.
・Surface Touch Cover 2 Firmware Update Device (v2.0.228.0) update improves two-finger touchpad use.
・Surface Type Cover 2 Firmware Update Device (v2.0.226.0) update improves two-finger touchpad use.

Surface Pro

スリープから復帰するとTouch Cover/Type Coverが認識しない、Touch Cover/Type Cover着脱すると再起動するなどの不具合に対応。
・Surface Pro Embedded Controller Firmware (v9.00.50) to resolve behavior where the Surface would reset when waking from sleep.
・Surface Pro System Aggregator Firmware (v2.84.0150)
・Resolves issue where Surface would reset upon repeated Surface Cover attach/detach.
・Resolves issue where On Screen Keyboard would unexpectedly pop-up even though Surface Cover is attached.
・Resolves issue where Surface Cover is not detected after wake up from sleep.
・Surface Pro UEFI (v1.6.50) improves experience when using a Surface Cover on your Surface Pro.

Surface 2

Marvell AVASTAR各種機器への対応、Bluetoothマウス、Bluetoothキーボードが認識出来ないなどの不具合に対応。
・Marvell AVASTAR Bluetooth Radio Adapter (v14.62.28058.10171)
Improves Bluetooth® audio related issues.
・Resolves issues related to Bluetooth keyboard and mouse inavailability when waking Surface.
・Marvell AVASTAR 350N Wireless Network Controller (v14.62.28058.10171) resolves wireless network connectivity issues.

Surface(旧称Surface RT)

Type Cover 2/Touch Cover 2での安定性の向上など。
Windows RT 8.1
・Surface Type Cover 2 firmware
- These updates improve the experience of using a second generation Type Surface Cover on your Surface RT running Windows RT 8.1, including touchpad performance and overall product stability.
・Surface Touch Cover 2 firmware
- These updates improve the experience of using a second generation Surface Touch Cover on your Surface RT running Windows RT 8.1, including touchpad performance and overall product stability.


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